REF. SET: 51-06 11th August 2008
Subject : Clarification of business profits for the second quarter
of 2008
To : The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
We, Fancy Wood Industries Public Company Limited, would like to inform
you of our company and its subsidiary company performance for the 2nd quarter
of 2008 from April until June 2008 in detail as follows :-
The business profits of our & subsidiary companies for the 2008 2nd
quarter had profited 1.76 million Baht; so the total revenue equals 221.81
million Baht, a decline of 57.41 million Baht for the same period of last year
that had a net profit equal 26.21 million Baht.
We would like to explain the reasons of business profits for the second
quarter of 2008 compared with the same period last year. Due to the company
received lesser purchase orders from customers by the world economy
conditions; from the different exchange rate we received the loss over 11
million Baht and from reason of oil, steel increased the price continually
that caused our manufacturing cost of materials, components such as carton,
paint and steel fitting had higher prices as well. With the abovementioned
reasons made the operation in the second quarter of the company only had
profit of 1.76 million Baht.
Please kindly acknowledge accordingly.
Faithfully yours,
(Mr.Pongsan Leelaprad) (Mr.Vichai Tanpatanarat)
Director Director
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